Visual Memory:
Visual memory is encoding, storing and then retrieving the information seen by eyes, whenever needed. It means child with good visual memory is capable of creating an image of what is seen by eyes in his mind, and is able to recollect the same image even when its not visible to his eyes.
Role of visual memory for reading, spelling, writing:
Child with poor visual memory has hard time in retrieving the correct order in which visual information presented to their eyes. They often have difficulties in remembering the overall presentation of the words or correct sequence of the letters while reading and spelling. They may remember the word but fail to remember every details of that word for example child may remember the word God, and also remember that it starts with letter G but may have difficult time in remembering the rest of the letters or even the sequence of the letters in that particular spelling. This results in serious difficulties with spellings and reading.
Apart from difficulties in writing in exams, and worksheets child also faces the difficulties in copying words sentences from blackboard or even from other notebook. He may present slow handwriting, problem in forming words or sentences and mixing up the words/letters in sentences.
Visual Sequential Memory:
Visual sequential memory is the ability to retrieve the visual information stored, in a correct sequence presented to eyes. Child with poor visual sequential memory may not remember the correct sequence of spelling or sometimes they may omit letters from spellings. For example child spell ‘left’ as’ felt’or ‘flt’. It further results in confusion and hesitancy