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Visual Processing Disorder

Writer's picture: megha wasnikmegha wasnik

Visual Processing Disorder


Vision being one of the important senses of human body its worthwhile to see how SPD affects visual processing. Visual Processing is the ability of brain to analyze, organize and interpret the information taken by eyes from environment. Visual processing disorder is the hindered ability to interpret the information taken from eyes. Visual system fails to interpret the information accurately or fast enough. This is different from the vision acuity problems. A child with visual processing disorder can come out with healthy vision in the eye test from ophthalmologist.

‘The eyes look and brain Sees!’ (

Visual processing disorder can manifest in many forms:

Child will have following problems

Visual Defensiveness/ Over-responsiveness (Hypersensitivity):

  • It represents the inability to tolerate bright lights, or florescent light. Child will squint eyes, cover eyes, cry and may get headache.

  • Covers eyes quickly or get headache, whenever there is change of light range for example getting out from car in bright sunny days.

  • Have difficulty functioning in bright colorful rooms.

  • Get regular headache or rubs eyes after reading or watching screens for considerable time.

  • Enjoys playing in dark.

  • Easily distracted by variety of visual stimuli from surrounding environment like bright and colorful toys, decorations, movement, entry of other people in room, windows, and doorways.

Visual Under-responsiveness (Hyposensitivity):

  • Fails to differentiate between different colors, shapes, and sizes.

  • Fails to differentiate between similar printed letters or figures; i.e., p & q, b & d, + and x, or square and rectangle.

  • Fails to focus and track with lines and words while copying from blackboard.

  • Fails to locate a particular item from background for example finding a particular pen from cluttered drawer.

  • Easily looses attention while following patterns. Fails to imagine whole picture.

  • Difficulty controlling eye movement to track and follow moving objects

  • Makes reversals in words or letters when copying, or reads words backwards; i.e., “was” for “saw” and “no” for “on” after first grade

  • Complains about “seeing double”

  • Difficulty with jigsaw puzzles, copying shapes, and/or cutting/tracing along a line

  • Fails to identify directions for example left and right, up and down.

  • Fatigues easily with schoolwork

  • Fails to judge a distance and placement of objects for example bumps into furniture or people.

Poor Visual Discrimination:

It is the inability to differentiate the similar looking things. For example a child with poor visual discrimination will often face problem in differentiating between letters like ‘b’ and ‘d’ , ‘p’ and ‘q’, or ‘5’ and ‘s’.

To know in detail about the topic and related solution plz follow the link (link to A 4 poor visual discrimination)

Poor Visual Motor Skills:

This is the inability to control and regulate the hand movements and feet movements according to the visual information received by eyes. This happens due to the problem in mechanism which allows visual system to work in coordination with the motor system, while strength of muscles and joints is appropriate with no deficits even in vision. Child with poor visual motor skills will have problems in kicking football, catching ball thrown in air.

To know in detail about the topic and related solution plz follow the link (link to A 5 poor visual motor skills)

Visual Dyspraxia:

This the inability in planning, sequencing, coordinating a movement on the basis of information taken by vision. For example child may fill up the cup to overflowing position as his brain cannot plan and coordinate the movement (stopping the filling action of cup at right level) according to the information (cup has filled ) taken by eyes.

Form Constancy:

It is the ability of the vision to recognize the same object when it is seen from different angles and in different colors and in different sizes. For example child may find difficulties in recognizing same number or letter when presented in different background with change in color , or size of number or letter.

To know in detail about the topic and related solution plz follow the link (link to A 6 form constancy)

Figure Ground Perception:

Ability to identify one particular object or picture from cluttered background. Child with poor figure ground perception may face difficulty in finding a particular word from a paragraph written on blackboard or book.

To know in detail about the topic and related solution plz follow the link (link to A 7 Figure ground perception)

Visual Closure:

Ability to visualize whole picture even when some part of that picture are hidden or missing. Child with poor visual closure skill may have difficulty in reading messy writing, cursive writing, Slow reading, slow copying speed from blackboard.

To know in detail about the topic and related solution plz follow the link (link to A 8 Visual Closure)

Visual Memory:

Ability to remember the details of information presented to eyes. Poor visual memory results in slow writing while copying from blackboard as child can remember one letter at time. Child may forget identity of particular letter.

To know in detail about the topic and related solution plz follow the link (link to A 9 visual memory)

Visual Sequential Memory:

Ability to remember the information presented to eyes sequence wise. Children with poor visual sequential memory have bad time in learning spelling of words, also they struggle with addition, subtraction problems.

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